As an end to this week’s picks of my favorite fashion film winners from this year’s Berlin Fashion Film Festival, here’s ‘Snake’ by Gustavo Lopez Mañas. Winner for Best Hair + Best Make-up, with GUCCI’s participation, we see the ‘snake’, played by Vinila Von Bismark, acting as narrator, cabaret style, as she sings about the blonde’s […]
Talk about dinner conversation being overrated! Here’s fashion film ‘Jumper’ by Justin Anderson for Jonathan Saunders, this year’s Berlin Fashion Film Festival winner for Best Music, Best Fashion + Best Cinematography. I’m guessing the naked guy outside is the object of everyone’s affection at the dinner table, but either way, the concept makes for an interesting feast […]
2014 Berlin Fashion Film Festival Gold Winner For Best Fashion
Here’s fashion film ‘RHIÉ 2014- THE PURGATORY OF MONOTONY’ by Ace Norton, another one of my favorites from this year’s Berlin Fashion Film Festival. A Gold winner for Best Fashion, in the film you witness actress Sonja Kinski partake in various surrealist scenarios. But seriously though, her voice could not be more perfect for such a project. Here are […]
How To Capture A ‘First Kiss’ Flawlessly

[The 2014 winners of the Berlin Fashion Film Festival were announced yesterday + throughout the week, I’ll be posting my favorites.] Ever think about what your first kiss feels like? Does your ‘Ex’ come to mind as if to think, ‘Wow, the last person I did this with was…”? What about, ‘The last person I […]