The Night I Met Lauren Hutton

In mid-May, I attended ‘Fashion Icons: Lauren Hutton in Conversation with Fern Mallis’ at the 92Y + was extra excited.  Mind you, Lauren, the iconic model + actress, is the woman that’s had me wishing for front-gapped teeth since I was little.  Not even sticking spinach purposely between my front teeth could replicate her smile. […]

More Reasons To Heart Marc

(photo: Fernanda Calfata) Besides the clothes, accessories, fragrances and just the man himself, after hearing Marc Jacobs at the 92Y this past Wednesday, I left loving him even more.  Part of the Fashion Icons with Fern Mallis series, Marc’s raw honesty, enthusiasm + ‘exaggerated’ humility (like dropping the names of his nutritionist, psychiatrist, tattoo artist + […]