Hood By Air’s Menswear Continues To Break Rules For Spring

Every season, Hood By Air’s Shane Oliver’s menswear collections provoke by making the ‘what ifs’ real with his relentless knack of foresight on what a person, regardless of gender, should be wearing. One thing that is a mainstay with Hood By Air (HBA) is logo placement, which Oliver admitted to VOGUE RUNWAY post-show, “We revisit […]

Robert Kalinkin‘s slogan of ‘Make A Statement’ could never have been more obvious than in this fashion film which praises body modification in many ways, making a statement as loud as possible.  You have several diamond shapes running up the model’s arms, torso + back, followed by raised lines along her hairline down around her […]

Fashionable Halloween Ideas For The Undecided + Out Of Time

For Halloween, the ultimate goal is to completely transform into another character that’s not you, just for one night.  Sadly, this is also the time of year where it’s okay for ladies to dress like sluts, but let’s not get it twisted – IT’S EVERY WOMAN’S RIGHT TO DRESS AS SLUTTY AS SHE WANTS, WHENEVER! […]